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Peer Groups

NH Bankers member banks have the opportunity to appoint representatives from their institution to our standing peer groups of discipline. Meetings provide a forum for participants to make valuable connections, learn from their peers on current "hot" topics, as well as offer beneficial input to NH Bankers on issues impacting New Hampshire's banking industry.

Members may request NH Bankers to poll a group on a particular issue, then share the results. Requests for sharing of policies and procedures may also be submitted to NH Bankers for distribution to a peer group. All surveys are conducted anonymously.

Opportunities for requesting and sharing information are one of the primary benefits to joining a NH Bankers Peer Group. For more information and learn how you can become involved, contact Sandy Tracy, SVP/COO, at (603) 224-5373 or

Chair: Michael Arndt, Vice President/Market Manager, Commercial Lending-NH, Kennebunk Savings Bank

NH Bankers Contact: Sandy Tracy

This group provides a forum for commercial bankers and those who work in treasury management to gather for discussion on trends and practices affecting commercial credit in New Hampshire; suggesting changes in laws and regulations for commercial lending at both the state and federal level; and identifying education and training opportunities that NH Bankers may provide to help enhance lending skills and techniques throughout the state for its members.

Chair: Greg Doolittle, CRCM, VP/Audit, BSA, & Compliance Officer, Walden Mutual Bank

NH Bankers Contact: Ryan Hale

This group provides a forum for bankers to discuss matters of regulatory compliance risk, issues and best practices affecting all areas of compliance in the State of NH. The committee should suggest changes in laws and regulations at both the state and federal level; and identify education and training opportunities that NH Bankers may provide to help enhance those efforts.  The group will serve as an additional resource to other compliance peer groups.

NH Bankers Contacts: Sandy Tracy and Betsy Beaulac

This peer group provides a forum for executive assistants and administrative staff who support Presidents, CEOs, Market Presidents and Senior Employees to discuss trends and practices specific to their focus. This also includes the range of issues relating to supporting bank boards of directors. Meetings may include both discussions and informal presentations by guest speakers.

Chair: Eric Carter, SVP/Digital Solutions and Innovation Officer, Bank of New Hampshire

NH Bankers contact: Ryan Hale

This group provides a forum for bankers to discuss all fraud and risk considerations including ERM topics impacting the banking industry. Topics include among many electronic banking fraud and prevention of such fraud and deterrence of fraud practices. It is also a forum where members will serve as a resource for the NH Bankers on legislative matters at the state and federal level, as well as identify educational and training opportunities for the association to provide to enhance the skills for its members.

Chair: Heidi J. Patten, VP/Human Resource Officer - Sugar River Bank
NH Bankers Contact: Sandy Tracy

This group among the human resources (HR) professionals within the NH Bankers maintains the highest level of awareness and professionalism when addressing current HR management issues and concerns. It provides a forum for members to discuss timely and relevant topics affecting HR practices in the State of New Hampshire, including state and federal regulations and industry trends. The group will identify training and educational opportunities that NH Bankers may provide to help enhance HR skills and employee relations at its members’ institutions.

Chair: David Harris, Systems Administrator - First Seacoast Bank
NH Bankers Contact: Sue McKee

The Information Technology Peer Group is responsible for identifying current and emerging issues pertaining to technology in an effort to assist member banks in their technology planning processes. In addition, the group provides a forum for the sharing of ideas and experiences designed to improve a bank’s use of technology. Members of the group also identify training and educational opportunities that NH Bankers may provide to help enhance IT professionals’ skills in this area.

NH Bankers Contact: Sue McKee

The Marketing Peer Group is a new group interested in learning about technologies and tactics that can enhance promotion of their banks. They will talk about current and emerging issues pertaining to marketing and communication. In addition, the group provides a forum for the sharing of ideas and experiences.

Chair: Jaime Frederes, SVP – Residential Mortgage Lending Officer, NH Mutual Bancorp

NH Bankers Contact: Sandy Tracy

This peer group provides a forum for bankers to discuss timely and relevant topics affecting mortgage lending in the State of New Hampshire, including state and federal regulations as well as legislation and industry trends. In addition, the group provides suggestions on changes in laws and regulations at both the state and federal level; and assists the NH Bankers with identifying educational and training opportunities to help enhance lending skills and techniques throughout the state to its membership.

Chair: Sarah Rastello, Senior Vice President of Retail Banking & Business Development, Salem Co-operative Bank
NH Bankers Contact: Sandy Tracy

The Retail Peer Group is for those in retail and deposit operations. Some topics covered are Teller/Custer Service staffing models; the account opening process as it relates to OFAC and BSA; cross-selling challenges; launch of new technologies and subsequent training/adoption; branch transformation to cash recyclers and self-serve kiosks; and Safe Deposit.  The peer group serves as a resource for legislative matters, and advises on education and training needs.

Chair: Susan Martore-Baker, President - Cambridge Trust Company of NH
NH Bankers Contact: Ryan Hale

This peer group provides a forum for bank trust officers and wealth management professionals to discuss trends and practices specific to their business. They also advise NH Bankers on the annual trust conference. Meetings include both discussions and informal presentations by guest speakers. This group is also responsible for suggesting changes in laws and regulations affecting trust services and operations, both federal and state, and identifying important trends and issues affecting trust services in NH and communicating these to leadership at NH Bankers.

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