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What is NH Bankers Advocacy?

The New Hampshire Bankers Association is the voice for the state’s banking industry. When state and federal lawmakers are considering policy initiatives that affect banking, NH Bankers calls on its advocates to act as a loud, clear, and collective voice. There is strength in numbers, and the more bankers that engage with legislators the better.

Why is Advocacy Important?

Success on the legislative front largely depends on the efforts of NH Bankers Association member bankers. Each year, hundreds of New Hampshire bankers participate in the Association’s grassroots efforts from Legislative Meetings and Capitol Day to the Washington Visit and BankPAC. But there is always more to be done. It’s important for bankers to stay involved in grassroots in order to continue to advance the legislative agenda.

To be effective, every banker needs to get involved in grassroots advocacy. When all bankers participate in all kinds of advocacy, we can be a powerful force. All bankers working together to make NH thrive.

Add your voice! Contact your Legislators and encourage them to support pro-growth policies that will pay dividends for the communities they represent.

Find your Legislator

US House of Representatives

US Senate

Governor of NH

NH House of Representatives

NH Senate

What happens in Washington impacts every consumer and business throughout the nation. Make your voice heard and tell your federal lawmakers how their decisions will affect you and your community by taking action. click on the links below to contact your senators.

To learn more about ABA's issues they are monitoring, visit their Secure American Opportunity site.

To learn more about ICBA’s issues they are monitoring, visit their BeHeard. ICBA Grassroots site.

NH Bankers State Bill Tracker

Our Legislative Tracker will allow you to access up-to-date activity on all the bills we’re tracking in the NH State Legislature. Members, log in to your infohub to view the Bill Tracker.

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